Kendall Alcohol Wipes

Ever think to bring rubbing alcohol along on your next trip? Do it, as long as they’re alcohol wipes. Liquid rubbing alcohol will inevitably spill in your toiletry bag. Here are a few great uses for them:

  1. Clean your razor after every use. My grandfather, Pops, taught me that one of the reasons your razor gets dull so quickly is because of the built up bacteria on the blade. One (careful) swipe of the alcohol wipe will kill the bacteria and keep your razor sharp for much longer.
  2. Clean your jewelry. Fill a cup a third of the way with really warm water and set the alcohol wipe in the cup for 30 seconds, then toss the wipe away. Set your jewelry in the solution for 10 minutes (just enough time for your shower) and much of the gunk that gets trapped between and on top of those jewels will come clean. Every girl needs sparkling gems no matter where she is.
  3. Clean your tweezers. Yes, even those need cleaning. But be sure to rinse them off after a few minutes. We wouldn’t want to damage the polka dot paint or crystals on them. (By the way, these fun Tweezerman designs are on their way to and will be in stock next week!)
  4. Sanitize a few things…the remote control, telephone, & doorknobs in the hotel room (especially the bathroom) and your cell phone are just a few things that could use a wipe down while traveling.




One Response to Travel Tip: Bring Alcohol Swabs

  1. Ignacio says:

    Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog! :)

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