Despite my master packing lists and attempts at packing a few days in advance, I can’t help but worry as I leave the house for a trip that I have forgotten something important.  Don’t you? But I always try and remind myself of something my mother always says that makes perfect sense…”Don’t worry about it. If you really need it, just buy it when you get there.” This is so true. Unless you’ve forgotten a handmade present for your best friend at her destination wedding, your ID, or ATM card, you’ll be fine. Even your prescriptions can be sent to you in another city by calling your doctor and asking them to forward enough for your trip to the nearest pharmacy. So stop stressing and start enjoying that escape you’re about to take.





4 Responses to Travel Tip: Don’t Worry

  1. Katlyn Tokay says:

    Awesome post! I will keep an on eye on your blog.

  2. A Chic Ambassador says:

    Great! Thank you.

  3. eiozee says:

    I never forget the 1.7 oz. Evian Spray. It is TSA approved, helps hydrate on those long, dry flights. Before I get off the plane, I spray over makeup to revive color, I spray on my hair to eliminate fly-aways and restyle. Best of all, I can toss it in my bag, and not worry about leaking. Did I mention how great is for quick clean-up?

  4. A Chic Ambassador says:

    Hi Eileen, the Evian Spray is always in my bag too! Thanks for the extra tips on it’s use!

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