Next time you’re asked, “What would you like?” for your birthday, anniversary, or the holidays, answer “a credit card gift card to use on my next trip!”  Then, as soon as you get it, put it in the inside pocket of your suitcase (one you use all the time when traveling). You may even forget it’s there and be pleasantly surprised when you’re packing your bags.  Once you arrive at your destination, treat yourself to a great meal, afternoon of shopping, or simply cover some of the travel expenses while checking out the town.

It’s also fun to give gift cards to the traveler who has just about everything…especially when you tuck it inside a Zagat Restaurant Guide book of their favorite city or the city where they’re vacationing next. If you want to get specific, you could even get a gift card to one of the best restaurants in the city.  But, remember, if they can’t get a reservation or run out of time to use it, they’ll be ____ out of luck.




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